How Holocaust Memoirs Can Increase Student Empathy and Understanding of Racism
This article was published in French by Audrey Bélanger as “Cultiver l’empathie des élèves et leur désir de mieux comprendre diverses manifestations du racisme à travers un récit mémoriel : l’exemple de matricule E96.” Les Cahiers de l’AQPF 14 (3): 52–56, 2023. Translated into English by Dawson Campbell, 2024.

Jewish Day School Fellowship in Holocaust Education and Commemoration
The Azrieli Foundation’s Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program and Facing History and Ourselves Canada are proud to announce the launch of the Jewish Day School (JDS) Fellowship in Holocaust Education and Commemoration.

Remembering Sonia Caplan
Today, January 27th, is UN International Holocaust Remembrance Day – a day to honour survivors and victims of the Holocaust and share their stories, which we do today and every day. We hope you’ll take some time today to read survivor stories like Caplan’s, who was released from an internment camp just over 77 years today, and learn about the Holocaust.

Adapting Education
We are at a turning point in Holocaust education, and not only because many survivors are no longer doing in-person events. What will it be like when there are no longer any Holocaust survivors left to share their stories in real time?

Reflections on Teaching the Holocaust
In this blog post, the Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program manager of education initiatives, Marc-Olivier Cloutier, asks Stephanie Kessler, an English and history teacher at Collège Reine-Marie in Montreal, about her experiences teaching the Holocaust. Kessler brings Holocaust education into the curriculum year after year, using many of the Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program resources.

Listener-Witness: My Role as a Writing Partner for the Sustaining Memories Project
“No one / bears witness for the / witness,” writes Paul Celan in “Ashglory” (here translated by Pierre Joris). I returned to this poem again and again when, in 2017, I held the role of writing partner for the Sustaining Memories Project, a program created by the Azrieli Foundation’s Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program in partnership with the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University).

Seeing History: A Reflection on In the Hour of Fate and Danger by Ferenc Andai
As the child of a Holocaust survivor, John Lorinc has tried to research a wartime experience his father couldn’t share.