The Holocaust is not just one story. Each survivor has a story. Each story deserves a life.
We give life to stories. Memoirs are a profoundly personal form of storytelling. These diverse stories of individual lives provide glimpses into a history that would otherwise be lost.
For our authors, these memoirs are an important way to preserve their legacies and the legacies of many others, to share their stories and to express the trauma they experienced. For readers, these memoirs are a powerful and moving way to connect with a real person and to learn about Holocaust history through the people who survived. By entering the past through the life of an individual, a reader’s understanding of history is forever changed. These diverse first-person accounts allow readers to grasp the enormity of what happened to six million Jews — one story at a time.
Having published the stories of more than one hundred Canadian Holocaust survivors since 2005, the Azrieli Foundation’s Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program has become a world leader in the publication of Holocaust memoirs in English and in French. All of our books are thoroughly fact-checked and contextualized with expert introductions.
Join us as we commemorate those who died by sharing the stories of those who survived.

Our Authors
View a list of all the Holocaust survivor authors who have published their memoirs through the Azrieli Foundation.
Are you a Holocaust survivor who came to Canada after the war? Have you written your own story? Do you know a survivor who has written a memoir? We’d like to read it, and we accept memoirs written in any language.
Our mandate includes both the preservation and distribution of the stories of Canadian Holocaust survivors and Holocaust education. We are most interested in memoirs that can aid in this education mandate by telling the story of an entire life: memoirs that depict community life before it was disrupted by war and genocide, details about experiences during the war and descriptions of immigration to Canada and starting a new life, something Holocaust survivors share with so many other Canadians.
At this time, all of our memoirs are written by Holocaust survivors themselves. We do not publish stories written by family members or friends about a survivor’s experiences. Our goal remains to share and preserve the voices of survivors themselves, for as long as this is possible.
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