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Titles in Print

Our memoirs – published in English and French – are available in print or ebook format. Our English titles are available for purchase below. To order our French-language memoirs, which are free of charge, learn more about each title below and place your order here.

Download our 2024 trade catalogue here.

Note to students, school and university librarians, educators, post-secondary instructors and academic researchers

If you are affiliated with an educational institution, books can be ordered free of charge here.

Book Cover of Cachée


Marguerite Élias Quddus
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Book Cover of In Hiding

In Hiding

Marguerite Élias Quddus
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Book Cover of Behind the Red Curtain

Behind the Red Curtain

Maya Rakitova
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Book Cover of Bits and Pieces

Bits and Pieces

Henia Reinhartz
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Book Cover of Fragments de ma vie

Fragments de ma vie

Henia Reinhartz
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Book Cover of Little Girl Lost

Little Girl Lost

Betty Rich
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Book Cover of Seule au monde

Seule au monde

Betty Rich
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Book Cover of E/96: Fate Undecided

E/96: Fate Undecided

Paul-Henri Rips
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Book Cover of Matricule E/96

Matricule E/96

Paul-Henri Rips
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Book Cover of Silent Refuge

Silent Refuge

Margrit Rosenberg Stenge
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Book Cover of Le Refuge du silence

Le Refuge du silence

Margrit Rosenberg Stenge
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Book Cover of Sur les traces du passé

Sur les traces du passé

Steve Rotschild
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Book Cover of Traces of What Was

Traces of What Was

Steve Rotschild
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Book Cover of Dignity Endures

Dignity Endures

Judith Rubinstein
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Book Cover of In Search of Light

In Search of Light

Martha Salcudean
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Book Cover of Never Far Apart

Never Far Apart

Kitty Salsberg, Ellen Foster
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Book Cover of Unies dans l’épreuve

Unies dans l’épreuve

Kitty Salsberg, Ellen Foster
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Book Cover of Escape from the Edge

Escape from the Edge

Morris Schnitzer
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Book Cover of Sur la corde raide

Sur la corde raide

Morris Schnitzer
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Book Cover of Dangerous Measures

Dangerous Measures

Joseph Schwarzberg
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Book Cover of Survival Kit

Survival Kit

Zuzana Sermer
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Book Cover of Trousse de survie

Trousse de survie

Zuzana Sermer
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Book Cover of The Violin/A Child's Testimony

The Violin/A Child's Testimony

Rachel Shtibel, Adam Shtibel
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Book Cover of Le Violon / Témoignage d’un enfant

Le Violon / Témoignage d’un enfant

Rachel Shtibel, Adam Shtibel
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