How Holocaust Memoirs Can Increase Student Empathy and Understanding of Racism
This article was published in French by Audrey Bélanger as “Cultiver l’empathie des élèves et leur désir de mieux comprendre diverses manifestations du racisme à travers un récit mémoriel : l’exemple de matricule E96.” Les Cahiers de l’AQPF 14 (3): 52–56, 2023. Translated into English by Dawson Campbell, 2024.

A Woman's Shoes
A story about shoes: It was Holocaust Education Week, 2019, and I accompanied Judy Cohen, the 91-year-old survivor whose memoir I was then immersed in — shifting passages, recasting sentences, checking dates and historical data — to a talk she was giving at York University.

How Teachers Teach the Holocaust: Survey Findings
Since its inception, the Azrieli Foundation's Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program has made education a central part of its mission.

Kol Nidre in Auschwitz
In her memoir, A Cry in Unison, Holocaust survivor, educator and human rights activist Judy Weissenberg Cohen tells the story of how she and her “camp sisters” in Auschwitz-Birkenau observed Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.

New Online Activity: Liberation Through the Eyes of a Hidden Child
In this activity, students will use testimony to learn about Claire Baum's experiences in hiding during the Holocaust, her moment of liberation and her life after liberation.

Too Many Goodbyes: The Diaries Of Susan Garfield
Read an excerpt of Susan Garfield's memoir, “Too Many Goodbyes: The Diaries of Susan Garfield”

Confronting Devastation: Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors from Hungary
From idyllic pre-war life to forced labour battalions, ghettos and camps, and persecution and hiding in Budapest, the authors...