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New Online Activity: Liberation Through the Eyes of a Hidden Child

May 8, 2020, is the 75th anniversary of VE Day – Victory in Europe Day – marking the liberation of Europe from Nazi control and the end of World War II in Europe.

Teachers, are you looking for an online activity to help your Grade 6, 7 or 8 students reflect on the significance of this anniversary? We have partnered with the USC Shoah Foundation to create a short activity that students can complete from home to help them reflect on the role of the Canadian Army in liberating Europe and the significance of the end of the war for Jews who had survived the Holocaust. Students will learn about this historical moment through the perspective of a Jewish girl in hiding named Claire Baum – a Holocaust survivor who later immigrated to Canada with her family. Claire has left many records of her experiences (written memoir, photographs, video testimony) that students can engage with to deepen their understanding of the significance of liberation.

View the Activity

Students will complete the activity through the online iWitness educational platform. For instructions on how to register as a teacher and assign an activity to your students, follow these quick tips from the USC Shoah Foundation.

Order Claire Baum's memoir