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Bits and Pieces

Lodz, Poland, 1944. Teenaged Henia Rosenfarb sits with her family in a small, secret room, hiding from the Nazi soldiers who are looking for them. Little can the fiery redhead imagine the path her life would take, from wartime Poland to contemporary Canada. Hoping to elude the net that tightens around her as World War II advances, Henia makes two promises to herself: the first is that she will one day travel to Paris, and the second, that she will become a teacher. Supported by her family and by her commitment to the Bund, a political movement dedicated to social justice, Henia keeps her focus on those promises. These “bits and pieces” of her life give us a glimpse of a tumultuous past and a faith in the future.

Introduction by Sara Horowitz

En bref
Ghetto de Lodz
Camp de la mort d’Auschwitz-Birkenau
Camp de concentration de Bergen-Belsen
Immigration au Canada en 1951

112 pages

Médaille d’or décernée lors des Independent Publisher Book Awards en 2008

Lauréat du Canadian Jewish Book Award en 2008

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Henia Reinhartz

À propos de l'autrice

Née à Lodz (Pologne), Henia Reinhartz (1926–2021) a survécu au ghetto établi dans sa ville natale, puis aux camps d’Auschwitz-Birkenau et de Bergen-Belsen. Après la guerre, elle a habité à Paris où elle a obtenu un diplôme d’enseignement du yiddish et de l’hébreu, et où elle a rencontré son mari. Henia Reinhartz a immigré au Canada en 1951.

My family and I were in hiding. Suddenly I heard someone panting on the stairs … we didn’t breathe. Who was coming now?