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Writing Partners

Our volunteer writing partners are people of different ages, life stages and religious, cultural and education backgrounds. They share the desire to learn more about the Holocaust and support survivors in telling their stories in the manner that was meaningful to them.

Survivor: Lenka Kaufman

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When I was approached by Elin Beaumont to participate in the Sustaining Memories project by helping Holocaust survivors write their memoirs, I immediately agreed to do so. As a child of Holocaust survivors, I was familiar with the suffering my parents and so many others had experienced during World War II. I thought it would be a rewarding experience to partner with Holocaust survivors and help them record and document their lives.

I was partnered with Lenka Kaufman, a survivor of Auschwitz. Listening to Lenka speak about her life growing up in Europe, her experiences in the camps and her subsequent life in Canada, I was struck with her amazing courage and resilience and I felt honoured to be involved in assisting her tell her story. As the population of Holocaust survivors dwindles, recording and saving their stories for future generations becomes even more important. It has been a privilege for me to be involved in such a worthwhile endeavour.

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