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The Warsaw Ghetto: From Persecution to Resistance

  • 14+
  • 1–2 class periods

Students will be introduced to the history of the Warsaw ghetto through first-hand accounts. Using Re:Collection and the digital exhibit Four Stories from the Warsaw Ghetto, students will explore pre-war Jewish life in Poland, life in the Warsaw ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the Holocaust and develop an understanding of pre-war Jewish life in Poland, life within the Warsaw ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
  • Recognize the impact of anti-Jewish attitudes and discrimination on Jewish life in Europe.
  • Reflect on the agency of Jews during the Holocaust.

How to use this activity in class

Download the Warsaw Ghetto Activity Instructions to view the classroom instructions.


This activity is completed using our digital resource, Re:Collection, and the digital exhibit Four Stories from the Warsaw Ghetto.

Need help or wish to provide feedback?

Contact us if you would like to know more about the activity or would like help implementing the activity in your classroom.
