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Under the Yellow & Red Stars

Under the Yellow & Red Stars is a remarkable story of survival, coming of age and homecoming after years as a stranger in a strange land. Alex Levin was only ten years old when he ran deep into the forest after the Germans invaded his hometown of Rokitno. He emerged from hiding eighteen months later to find that he had neither parents nor a community to return to. A harrowing tale of escape, endurance and exceptional emotional resilience, Levin’s story also draws us into his later life as an officer and eventual outcast in the USSR and as an immigrant who successfully builds a new life in Canada. This poetically written memoir is imbued with loss and pain, but also with the optimistic spirit of a boy determined to survive against all odds.

Introduction by Naomi Azrieli and Sara Horowitz

En bref
Rescapé d’une exécution de masse
Union soviétique d’après-guerre
Vie en pays communiste
Immigration au Canada en 1974

208 pages

Lauréat du Pearson Prize Teen Choice Award en 2010

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Alex Levin

À propos de l'auteur

Alex Levin (1932–2016) est né à Rokitno (Pologne, aujourd’hui en Ukraine). Après la guerre, il s’est engagé dans l’armée soviétique mais sa carrière a été bloquée du fait de sa judéité. En 1975, Alex a immigré au Canada où il a témoigné de son expérience durant l’Holocauste.

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I feel my brother’s hand, trembling but strong, grab onto mine. I hear his words, urging me to run, take hold of my body and move my legs. We run, his hand holding mine … to me it feels like freedom.