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Getting Out Alive

Nineteen-year-old Tommy Dick was killed, only to resurface in an almost unfathomable series of twists and turns that miraculously resulted in his survival. Born into a Hungarian family that had converted from Judaism in a country where antisemitism was a constant reality, Tommy soon found out that in the eyes of the Nazis he was still a Jew, still a target for deportation and annihilation. Getting Out Alive is a fast-paced, gripping account of courage and tenacity in the face of overwhelming terror as, on the run and in disguise, Tommy is chased by luck as much as he is by death. Ultimately, the combination of courageous acts by others, unshakeable friendships and his own extraordinarily quick wit conspired to save the life of an adventurous and determined young man in the cruellest of times.

Introduction by Kalman Weiser

En bref
Né dans une famille juive convertie au christianisme
Camp de travaux forcés
Régime des Croix fléchées
Immigration au Canada en 1948

96 pages

Médaille d’or décernée lors des Independent Publisher Book Awards en 2008

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Tommy Dick

À propos de l'auteur

Tommy Dick (1925–1999) est né à Budapest (Hongrie). En 1948, il a immigré au Canada et quelques années plus tard, s’est installé à Calgary. À l’âge de 36 ans, Tommy s’est inscrit à la faculté de droit de Calgary, puis a exercé la profession d’avocat dans cette même ville durant 30 ans.

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He pointed his gun and bayonet at me and ordered me to stop, my jaw was bleeding, hanging down. I could not speak and I was shivering.