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From Generation to Generation

Hiding from the Nazis in the forests of Slovakia’s Low Tatra Mountains in the fall of 1944, in constant danger from the Germans occupying nearby villages, fourteen-year-old Agnes Grossmann and her family make the daring decision to escape high into the mountains and hike along treacherous ice-covered peaks to safety. Twenty-four years later, Agnes Tomasov – now married with two children – finds herself on the run from post-war Czechoslovakia’s Communist regime and defects to Canada with her family, carrying only what they can fit in two suitcases. Her sweeping memoir of life under two totalitarian regimes is an extraordinary and inspiring tale of courage, love and hope in the face of tragedy. Imbued with the author’s warmth, unflagging resilience and determined independence, From Generation to Generation is a true testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Introduction by Harold Troper

En bref
Tchécoslovaquie d’après-guerre
Vie en pays communiste
Immigration au Canada en 1968
Adaptation à la vie canadienne
Épouse de Joseph Tomasov, publié dans la Collection Azrieli

240 pages

Médaille d’argent 2011 décernée lors des Independent Publisher Book Awards en 2011

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Agnes Tomasov

À propos de l'autrice

Agnes Tomasov est née le 16 juin 1930 à Bardejov (Tchécoslovaquie, aujourd'hui en Slovaquie). En 1968, elle, son mari et leurs deux enfants ont fui le régime communiste tchécoslovaque pour venir au Canada, où ils se sont installés à Toronto.

The mountains were almost 2,000 metres high….We had to climb to the peaks, where it was frozen and slippery. One single misstep could mean certain death.