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Escape from the Edge

Narrow escapes and bold decisions define the life of teenager Morris Schnitzer. Fleeing from Nazi Germany before the onset of World War II, Morris ends up in the Netherlands only to watch the country be invaded by the Nazis. With his father’s warning to never set foot in a concentration camp echoing in his mind, Morris resolves to fight — and survive. As he assumes false identities and crosses endless borders in search of safety, Morris never acquiesces to the Nazi occupiers in Western Europe. In his epic journey to Escape from the Edge, Morris endures imprisonment and gruelling work as a farmhand, joins the resistance in Belgium and ultimately enlists in the American army, vowing to take revenge for all that he has lost.

Introduction by Bob Moore

En bref
Allemagne; Pays-Bas; France; Belgique
Kristallnacht (Nuit de cristal)
Kindertransport (Transport d’enfants)
Fausse identité
Pays-Bas d’après-guerre
Immigration au Canada en 1947
Offert en format audio
Ressources éducatives disponibles: Hearing History: A Holocaust Survivor Memoir Read Aloud

196 pages

Tranche d'âge recommandée

*Si vous êtes enseignant au Canada, vous pouvez commander gratuitement les ressources ici.

Photo of Morris Schnitzer

À propos de l'auteur

Morris Schnitzer (1922-2020) est né à Bochum (Allemagne). En 1947, il a immigré à Montréal où il a poursuivi ses études à l’Université McGill, jusqu’à l’obtention d’un doctorat en 1955. Morris a travaillé à Ottawa au ministère de l’Agriculture du Canada, en tant que chimiste principal spécialisé dans la matière organique des sols. Au cours de sa brillante carrière, il a remporté le prestigieux prix Wolf d’agriculture (1996), publié trois livres et plus de 400 articles scientifiques.

And there I was one evening at the end of December 1942, a free man in Brussels. A German Jew. Via the Netherlands. Via Switzerland. Via France. I was free in Brussels! I didn’t know anyone. I had never lived in Belgium. A war was on. What was I supposed to do now?