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Dangerous Measures

Fleeing Germany after the violence of the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938, young Joseph and his family find safety in Belgium, but all too soon they have to escape again — this time to France — when the Germans occupy Belgium in 1940. When the Germans then conquer France and Joseph’s family returns to Brussels, Joseph is forced to set out on his own, and at sixteen years old, he assumes a false identity and begins to live a dangerous double life. Joseph repeatedly eludes the Nazis’ grasp, eventually finding his way to the French Resistance and bravely fighting with the underground until France is liberated. But Joseph’s years of fighting are not over, and when he arrives in pre-state Israel, he continues to do every thing he can to secure his freedom.

Introduction by Renée Poznanski

En bref
Allemagne; France; Belgique
Fausse identité
Documents datant de la guerre
Israël d’après-guerre
Immigration au Canada en 1968

248 pages

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Joseph Schwarzberg

À propos de l'auteur

Joseph Schwarzberg (1926–2022) est né à Leipzig (Allemagne). En 1945, lui et sa famille font partie de la première vague d’immigrants à se rendre légalement dans ce qui deviendra bientôt l’État d’Israël. Il immigre à Toronto en 1968, où il ouvre une fabrique de vêtements, Adina J. Fashions.

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The officer inspecting my papers addressed me in German but I pretended not to understand him…. I was relieved that I was able to calmly withstand my first test in the art of deception, as many more tests of my nerves were yet to come.