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A Name Unbroken

When Germany occupies Hungary in 1944, fifteen-year-old Miklos Friedman must draw on his wits to survive. Recruited into forced labour, sent to a ghetto and, ultimately, to the Nazi camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Mühldorf, Miklos never stops fighting to change his fate. After the war, he risks everything in order to leave his past behind. Decades later, a chance meeting in Toronto leads Miklos, now Michael Mason, to discover the power of his new name.

Introduction by Tim Cole

En bref
Tchécoslovaquie; Hongrie
Camp de la mort d’Auschwitz-Birkenau
Camp de travaux forcés
Projet des orphelins de guerre
Immigration au Canada en 1948
Adaptation à la vie canadienne

192 pages

Tranche d'âge recommandée

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Photo of Michael Mason

À propos de l'auteur

Michael Mason (né Miklos Friedman) a vu le jour en 1928 à Beregszász (Tchécoslovaquie, aujourd’hui en Ukraine). Il a émigré au Canada en 1948 et travaillé dans diverses entreprises à Hamilton, avant de déménager à Toronto, où il a ouvert sa propre officine de denturiste. Michael Mason vit à Toronto.

I was skin and bones. The person who looked back at me in the mirror was a scared-looking skinny little boy, not the person I thought I was.