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Writing Partners

Our volunteer writing partners are people of different ages, life stages and religious, cultural and education backgrounds. They share the desire to learn more about the Holocaust and support survivors in telling their stories in the manner that was meaningful to them.

Survivor: Minny Peters

Photo of Ruth Miller thumb

In 1939, I was fortunate to have been born in Canada, and I am not aware of any family members who were lost in the Holocaust. I believe it is our duty to keep alive the knowledge and understanding of this unspeakable time in history. Being a writing partner for Minny Peters and getting to know her were important and gratifying experiences for me. I had read many of the memoirs by Canadian survivors of the Holocaust published by the Azrieli Foundation, and when the opportunity came to help other survivors tell their stories, I wanted to be part of the project. Minny has a unique and important story to tell, and through her story and stories like hers, this history will be preserved.

I want my grandchildren to know these stories. Holocaust survivors’ accounts will inform their worldview and help them to be better human beings and citizens of Canada and the world. This project by the Azrieli Foundation is a brilliant, essential addition to the documentation of the Holocaust and I am grateful to have been, in a small way, part of it.

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