Buried Words: A Workshop on Sexuality, Violence and Holocaust Testimonies
October 11, 2018
On October 11, 2018, fourteen Canadian and international scholars gathered in Toronto for Buried Words: A Workshop on Sexuality, Violence and Holocaust Testimonies. The workshop was inspired by our publication of several memoirs detailing experiences of sexual abuse and violence and other sexual encounters during the Holocaust, including Buried Words: The Diary of Molly Applebaum. The workshop was presented by the Azrieli Foundation, with the support of Sara Horowitz of York University and Anna Shternshis of the University of Toronto.
9:00 AM
- 9:30 AM
Opening remarks
9:30 AM
- 11:00 AM
Session 1: Sexuality and violence in testimonies by girls and women
Discussants: Na’ama Shik (Yad Vashem), Zoë Waxman (University of Oxford), Sara Horowitz (York University)
Moderator: Carson Phillips (Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre, Toronto)
11:30 AM
- 1:15 PM
Session 2: Narratives of sexual violence against boys and men
Discussants: Debórah Dwork (Clark University), Dorota Glowacka (University of King’s College), Doris Bergen (University of Toronto), Tommy Curry (Texas A&M University)
Moderator: Benjamin Baader (University of Manitoba)
2:30 PM
- 4:15 PM
Session 3: Methodological challenges of using different forms of testimony to study sexual violence
Discussants: Anna Shternshis (University of Toronto), Sara Brown (USC Shoah Foundation), Paula David (University of Toronto), Henry Greenspan (University of Michigan)
Moderator: Jennifer Evans (Carleton University)
4:15 PM
- 4:30 PM
Closing remarks

Articles based on workshop presentations are featured in a special issue of Holocaust Studies: A Journal of Culture and History (Volume 27, Number 4, 2021).
Watch recordings of the conference below.
These recordings include mature content. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.