This guide prepared by Caffeine Creations

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You can edit the landing page for the press section of the website by going to Entries > Singles > Press (Landing Page). Here you can update the SEO and hero image. The hero image is used on the detail pages for each individual press release.

Individual Press Releases

You can create a new press release by going to Entries > Press and creating a new entry.

When you create a new Press Release entry the default will be a full press release, which has a number of fields plus a content builder.

It's important to note that the fields circled in red below are only used on the listing page. These fields allow you to add a summary, set the background color of the block as well as place the image on the left or the right.

Summary Only Press Release

There are two types of press releases. The second type is a summary only with a link offsite. To create this type go to Entries > Press and then on the right hand side change the entry type to Press Summary.

Once you've done that the content builder fields will be removed. The only fields remaining will be for the listing page. You can easily convert an entry from Full Press Release to Press Summary at any time by changing the dropdown.